Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

by Steve Rensner on September 06, 2019


“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.”      (1 Corinthians 13:12)

Are we there yet?

This is probably the most asked question by children during a trip and especially a trip involving a passenger vehicle. As the driver you know the location and time necessary in order to reach that destination. A child may not know the surroundings nor grasp the concept of distance and time. Once your destination has been reached the question no longer has any validity.

This question may be posed in other areas of life besides a trip and location to reach. The greater the excitement of the
anticipated conclusion, the longer the trip seems to take. We can apply this question to a vast array of life expectations. Many parents have a developmental chart marking out the stages of growth in their child. When a developmental skill has been reached the next one is anticipated. In every classroom at Calvary the word YET is posted. A Kindergarten student may run in to the room and proudly let her teacher know the “I can tie my shoes all by myself!” Over hearing this another child may feel discouraged that he has not reached that same level of proficiency. This is where the YET comes in. I am unable to do that YET.

God is not finished with us. He grants to us each day the opportunity to grow in faith through the power of the Holy Spirit. He invites us to grasp the richness of His grace, love, and peace. Through prayer, worship, and His Word we grow in our daily walk of faith and service. YET God calls us to reach ever higher through Him. We praise and thank Him for the gift of His Son that when we fail and sin, YET He loves and forgives us through the redemption found in the empty tomb. I wonder if Peter and John as they rushed to the tomb that first Easter morning asked, “Are we there YET?” God had much for them to do. He has much for us to do as well. May God grant to us a school year filled with opportunities to do His will and to grow and learn.