Kleenex, Band-Aids and Jell-O

Kleenex, Band-Aids and Jell-O

by Steve Rensner on March 05, 2020


“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.”    (1 Corinthians 13:12)

Kleenex, Band-Aids, and Jell-O

What do these three items have in common? They carry a collective genre of like products usually referred to by their name. When I need a facial tissue I ask for a KLEENEX. A cut or a scrap needs a BAND-AID. JELL-O says it all. These three products were one of the first to capture their specific market. What a grand job of marketing so that people today still use their names when there are so many like products used. Do you ask for a Puffs or a Curad?

During this season of Lent we remember the one source of our salvation and the price for which that redemption was accomplished. In our daily media bombardment of information many times words, concepts, and ideas that are quite familiar to God’s people are used in ways that do not fit the Bible’s message. It really doesn’t matter if when asked for a Kleenex I receive a Puffs. To take God’s message of salvation through the death and Resurrection of His One and Only Son and place a different meaning or interpretation to it has eternal consequences.

We ask the Lord to so empower us that we are bold to stand in faith on the cross alone. This Lent we look to this eternal love as our only source of life eternal. We turn in repentance as we accept this gift at Christ’s expense.