The Mirror’s Reflection

The Mirror’s Reflection

by Steve Rensner on August 22, 2019


“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.”     (1 Corinthians 13:12)

The Mirror’s Reflection

What is one of the first things that you do each morning? I bet that one of those is to look into a mirror. What do you see? How often do you look into a mirror? We would never have seen our faces if it were not for a reflection or photograph providing that image. Yet even a reflected image on a mirror is backwards.

Sometimes the mirror is fogged up from the shower’s humidity. Maybe you haven’t put on your glasses or inserted your contacts the first thing in the morning. Our image may be blurred, however our identity is never out of focus.

Our school theme is Clearly Seeing. God has given to us His Word and Spirit to assist us as we seek to CLEARLY SEE His love and grace for our lives. Through Baptism we are made children of God. It is through this sacramental gift that our sins are forgiven, our eyes are opened to the Father’s will, and we are made heirs with Christ. Our identity is found in Christ. God receives us into His Kingdom because of this new identity in Him.

Throughout this school year we ask the Lord to enable us to clearly see through His Word, prayer, and worship. We build one another through these means. We include our entire Calvary Family in our prayers. We commit our lives as we live according to this new identity in Christ.