Let There Be Light

Let There Be Light

by Pastor Kurt Ebert on August 01, 2023

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good.
~ Genesis 1:3-4a

Talk about power. God speaks. It happens. By the sheer speaking of his Word, a new reality comes into existence. Talk about a truly enlightening experience (sorry for the bad pun). Don’t we wish that things went that easily in life, but too often words are one thing, while actions and results are another. Our recent lighting project has certainly allowed more light to shine in our worship life, but we know the work, effort, and activity that it took to make it happen. We also know too well all the troubleshooting that must take place in any endeavor of mankind in this imperfect world affected by the fall into sin. And yet God continues to invite us to reflect his creative energy, power, and activity, for he has created us in His image. Just as God placed Adam and Eve into the garden to tend it, care for it, and work in it that it might bring forth more flourishing, so also does God continue to invite us to bear His image. He invites us in our words and actions to reflect His creative grace and His unyielding compassion and desire for His creation to thrive.

We live in a world that continues to be impacted by the darkness of sin. In our world at large and in our lives in specific we see the long shadows cast by the troubles and selfishness of this life. The news is often filled with doom and gloom, but if we are honest too often our own conversations are filled with somber attitude of griping and complaining. We may begin our day with a sunny attitude, but all too often the shadow of sin too quickly settles in and by the end of the day we are exhausted, frustrated, and feeling a little gloomier.

As much as we might bemoan this reality, as much as we wish that things would be different, we know that this is the struggle of life in a world impacted by sin, but the love of God has the ability to pierce the dark clouds hovering over us. The grace of Jesus has a way of refreshing our soul and renewing our hope, even in our darkest hours. We are reminded that “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23). By the mere title of the book from which it is quoted, we know that the dark shadows of life hung
heavy upon the lives of its original audience, but God’s light shines upon us not just with every new sunrise. God’s light and love shines every day through His promises that do not change, do not fade, and do not give up on us. Indeed, “let there be light.” May the light of Christ shine in your life today and every day.

Pastor Kurt Ebert

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
~ John 8:12