Adult Ministry

opportunities for fellowship, Service, education and intergenerational ministry

All adults, guys and gals, are welcome to attend; our monthly participants range in age from mid-forties to early nineties, nearly retired, semi-retired and retired. Our average attendance is 40. No matter what age adult you are, come join us for fun, fellowship, study, and service to others.

Over 200 shoeboxes were packed for Operation Christmas Child in 2023.

What types of events are available?

Calvary provides events for adults that foster fun, fellowship.  Explore these by clicking on the topics below.

Weekly – Stretching Souls

Held every Thursday at 12:00 PM, Stretching Souls is a group of adults that meet to stretch and exercise. We open with Bible readings and a short devotion. After a warmup session we stretch, work with light hand weights, work our arms and legs with resistance bands, and do light calisthenics. All the while enjoying fellowship and the company of fellow believers. 

Whether it's doing the "Penguin", Les's "hand tapping", Nancy's "weights behind your head" or Barb's "Pretzel", there is something for everyone...

Adults of all ages are welcome — please consider joining us!

Monthly – Lunch Out!

The first Wednesday of each month Calvary's Adult Ministry does an outing to a different restaurant on the southside for food and Christian fellowship. No reservation needed; tables are reserved for Calvary Lutheran. Our group meets at 11:00 AM at the restaurant. Watch announcements and website Events for details on each month's location.

Monthly – Lunch & Learn

Held the third Wednesday of each month at 11:00 AM, Calvary's Lunch and Learn volunteers prepare and serve a hot meal for our attendees. We always eat well!  Programs last 45 minutes to an hour, and cover a wide range of topics, including history, medicine, science, religion, current events, and hobbies. Our list of presenters has included authors, medical specialists, TV personalities, hobbyists, university professors and other interesting talent.   Thanks to many volunteers who participate and contribute time, talents, food, energy, and prayers. These fellowship events are popular with the retired and semi-retired, but adults of all ages are welcome to attend.

What types of service activities are available?

Calvary provides opportunities for adults to come together in service to others.  Explore these by clicking on the topics below.

Operation Christmas Child

This project from Samaritan’s Purse Ministry brings the Good News of Jesus Christ to impoverished children in more than 100 countries through gift-filled shoebox-size boxes. Calvary’s Adult Ministry teams up with CLS students in November to gather gift donations, fill boxes and pray for the recipients. In 2022, 187 boxes were filled. For more information contact Barb Sorgius.

Advent Mugs for Visitors

Adults help our 2nd Graders pack mugs with candies for visitors attending our school program Advent services. This popular annual project has grown over the years. The students fill 100+ Christmas-themed mugs with packets of cocoa mix and candies, and adult volunteers assist with wrapping in cellophane. Mugs are donated by a few generous members; candies and supplies are provided by Calvary’s Outreach Ministry.

Helping Others Be Healthy

Medicines and Supplies are collected quarterly for the St. Thomas free clinic located at 600 Paul Hand Blvd, Franklin, IN 46131. Nancy Brandt sorts and delivers the donations. For more info on what St. Thomas Clinic needs and accepts, call Coordinator Nancy, (317) 535-6057, or see

What types of Bible Studies are available?

Calvary provides Bible study opportunities that of special interest to our Adult Ministry community.

Weekday Afternoon Bible Studies

Various bible studies are offered during the week, diving into different topics or books of the Bible. Watch announcements and website Events for details.

Ministry Leadership

Ministry Events

Lunch Out!

Wednesday, November 06, 2024 -
Wednesday, November 06, 2024

11:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Ministry in Action!

First Families of Marion County (Lunch & Learn)

A well-attended meeting heard a presentation by Mr. Steve Barnett, Marion County Historian with the Indiana Historical Society/Indiana Historical...
