
 – Saturday 5:30 PM
 – Sunday 8:00 AM • Live Streamed

 – Sunday 10:45 AM • Live Streamed

Calvary offers worship services onsite and online, in different styles and at different times. Select one or experience them all. Each provides opportunity to praise and glorify our living God!

Traditional Worship
Saturdays • 5:30 PM
Sundays • 8:00 AM (live streamed)

Our traditional worship services feature liturgical worship, with traditional hymns on organ or piano. Calvary’s Chorale, Handbell Choir and special musicians regularly enhance our worship experience.  

Contemporary Worship
Sundays • 10:45 AM (live streamed)

Contemporary worship aims to offer an authentic, worshipful experience in a more laid-back atmosphere. Join us onsite or online as we sing a new song of praise to the Lord.

Tamil Indian Worship
Last Sunday of each month • 5:30 PM

Calvary Missions Ministry includes outreach to the Tamil Indian community.  This once-a-month worship and fellowship opportunity is led by Rev. Udhayanesan Raji, Calvary's Tamil Mission Pastor. Click here to listen to recorded sermons from Tamil worship services.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is a precious gift from God.  It is commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ and is to be held in a correct manner.

Holy Communion is offered at Calvary at most weekend worship services. Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life. He says: “Come, for those who eat this bread and drink this cup will never hunger or thirst but be raised up on the Last Day” (John 6). Whoever receives the Lord’s Supper must be a believer in Christ (Hebrews 11:6); be sorry for their sins (Proverbs 28:13); believe that Christ offers His body and blood with the bread and wine (1 Corinthians 10:16); and be willing to forgive those who have sinned against you (Matthew 6:14-15). Come with faith in His promises to you and His presence in this holy meal.

Gluten-free wafers are available on stands at the end of the first row of chairs for those with a gluten allergy to pick up on their way to the communion rail.

Non-alcoholic (white) wine is available at the center of the communion tray.

The Right Seat at the Table

Pastor Sam Troemel | September 8, 2024

How are we to approach Jesus? What should be our mentality towards Him? In today’s sermon, we look into the account of the Syrophoenician Women to... More