Following live streamed worship, recordings are available on our website, Facebook page, and “clcsindy” YouTube Channel.
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Weekly Highlights
Young Adult Bible Study & Fellowship
Join us Fri., Jan 31 at 7:00 p.m. at Calvary, as we dive into God’s Word, and enjoy some food, games, & time together. Whether you’re new or a regular, we’d love for you to be part of this awesome evening! Here’s what you can expect:
Pizza - because who doesn’t love pizza?!
Games - fun, laughter, and connection
Bible Study - relevant teaching and discussion
Fellowship - great conversations / build friendships in faith
Bring a friend, your Bible, and come hungry for both pizza and spiritual growth! We can’t wait to see you there!
Help Us Mail College Care Packages
Help us remember our college students! Twice a year care packages are sent to members in college or trade school. They contain school supplies, snacks, & misc. items, as well as a note of encouragement and a Bible verse. Join in this ministry by mailing a package from the table in the narthex. Cost is about $7.00 to send. (Do not pick up a package to hand-deliver to your son or daughter. After all, who doesn't love to get a package in the mail!) Please mail by Feb 8 to ensure they are received before spring breaks begin.
Save the Date—Vacation Bible School
Mon., Jun 23—Fri., Jun 27 9:00-11:30 a.m.
Guide kids on the ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they’ll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, True North VBS shows them that he is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North! Interested in volunteering? Email Kara Hiatt.
Thank You From Ron Brink
I am happy to share that I am currently cancer-free. Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and encouraging words. They have been a source of strength throughout this journey.
Open Position for 2025-26 – Middle School Teacher
Our anticipated enrollment for the 2025-26 school year will require an additional Middle School teacher. We are seeking a teacher with a science background. Submit candidate names and information to the school office or by email.
Mrs. Kimberly Moore to Retire
Mrs. Kimberly has announced her retirement at the conclusion of the 2024-25 school year. We thank Kimberly for her years of dedicated service to hundreds of Calvary students during her tenure as our kindergarten and current 4th grade teacher. Kimberly has served within the Lutheran School Ministry for a combined total of 40 years. We ask the Lord to bless her as God opens new doors for her.
LuFest Silent Auction Item Gift Collection (THIS WKND)
Lutheran High School’s LuFest will be held on Fri., Feb 7 at the Biltwell Center. Tickets are still available. See or call 317-787-5474 for more info.
THIS WEEKEND we will be collecting gifts in the narthex for the LuFest Silent Auction. Gifts may also be dropped off at the Lutheran High School office during school hours Questions? Jake Allen.
Family Bingo Night
The Children’s Ministry Team is hosting a Family Bible Bingo Night, Fri., Feb 21 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Open to all ages and family types. Consider supporting this event by donating prizes (e.g., $3-$15 items for kids and adults, such as art items, games, toys, candy). Please, no adult puzzles or toddler toys. Ensure all items are new. Bring donations to the church office by Feb 17.
El Salvador Mission Trip (Feb 2—Feb 9)
Our team will be in El Salvador Feb 2-Feb 9. They will be working in Citalá, located in the northernmost part of the country. The team will be refurbishing play sets, working on a three classroom addition to the church and the after school program for Hope for Children. Please pray for the team as they serve and share Christ’s love. Team members include: Ken Robinson, Julie Pflug, Rebecca Carow, Suresh Reddy, Cynthia Wyse, and Joe Espinal.
Associate Pastor Call Committee Update
The Call Committee received a list of thirteen candidates in December. After evaluating their information, eight were selected for further consideration. Additional sermons will be viewed, and virtual interviews scheduled in February. Pray for God to guide the committee through the process.
Wildfire Assistance Opportunities
LCMS Disaster Response is reaching out with mercy through LCMS congregations in Los Angeles County to those affected by the recent wildfires. To provide assistance:
Visit – or Call – 1-888-930-4438
Lutheran World Relief is also working in the area to help care for those in immediate need. Visit –
Lunch OUT! (Wed., Feb 5 11:00 a.m.)
For our “First Wednesday” outing we’re meeting at Outback Steakhouse, 7525 US 31 South.
Tables will be saved for Calvary Lutheran, no reservation needed. Adults of all ages are welcome – come join us for good food and some fun Christian fellowship.
Ladies’ Bible Study, Sat., Feb 1 8:30 a.m.
This month’s study will be from the Lutheran Women’s Winter 2024 Quarterly and shared by everyone. Join us in the Church Library on Sat., Feb 1 at 8:30 a.m.
Extravagant Sharing
In the month of January please fill the Extravagant Sharing shelves with canned and instant potatoes and/or canned meat and tuna. Cereal is always needed! The Extravagant Sharing shelves are across from the main doors to the church. As you share your gifts of love, pray the food will bless the receivers by reminding them of Jesus’ love for them.
National Lutheran Schools Week (Jan 25 - Feb 2)
We give thanks to God for the work being done through our Lutheran Schools, as they share the love of Jesus with students, families, and the community in an environment of academic excellence. There are more than 1,800 schools within the LCMS with over 180,000 students. More at
Many activities are planned during this week-long celebration, as our students, families, and congregation celebrate the blessings of Calvary Luth. School and Lutheran High School.
Calvary Luth School Open Enrollment (Begins Feb 1)
Starting Feb 1, applications can be submitted for new students PS-8th grade for the 2025-26 school year. Calvary has been blessed with new students each year. Families are invited to schedule an appointment for a tour during the school day Scholarships available! We are a choice voucher school.
Help spread the word to coworkers, neighbors, friends, and family. God has blessed us enabling us to be a blessing to others. Contact Jason (
Applications Now Open for Lutheran High School
Applications are open for the 2025-2026 school year. Visit for more information!
Prayer Support
Submit prayer requests to the church office at (317) 783-2000 or click here for our online Prayer Page.
Kevin Meyer; Bob Handschy
Kathy Lamin; Pastor Udhay Raji; Ron Brink; Keith Corban; Pauline Miller; Sherri Terry; Glory Van Arsdel; Larry Jupin; Jill Radcliffe; Tyler Shaw; Mary Ann Knaus; Ellen Vance; Jim Vance; Gene Redding; Denise Fix; Pastor Bill Yates; Dan Weeden; Bonnie Brink; Art Messer; Connor Miles
Joanna Ault, friend of Ray & Kathy Ford; Lauren Rich, niece of Sherri Lytle; Bella Beltran, great-granddaughter of Pauline Miller; Vera Monroe, mother of Gloria Vandivier; Donna Gerken, mother of Ruth Deckard & Paul Gerken; Judy Webb, friend of Amber Young; Connie Menke, friend of Karen Davis; Tracy Finke, daughter-in-law of Pat Finke; Jared Hall, grandson of Jim & Jan Dunaway; Jiraiya Marqua, grandson of Michael Marqua & great-grandson of Sandra Marqua Staten; Shirley Wehmeier, sister of Bill Wittlief; Jerry Plummer, brother-in-law of Steve Bardonner; Layla Stockinger, a student at Emmaus Ft. Wayne; Rev. Harold & Joy Kallio; Evan Stephan, friend of James & Melissa Mayo; Darrell Shaw, friend of Becky Leslie; Steve Bruner, brother of Patty Rothkopf; Ella Kay Bardonner, sister-in-law of Steve Bardonner; Jane Weeks; Jim Foster, Kelly Fromer & Paula Spears, friends of Jim & Kristen Schwark; Gertrude Heiden, mother of Judy Morrison
Family and friends of Jerry Kiesling (Jan 22)
Steve Harnedy, friend of Ellen Vance (Jan 21)
National Lutheran Schools Week (Jan 26-Feb 2)
For the 94th Anniversary of Calvary Luth Church (Jan 21)
For the 75th Anniversary of Calvary Lutheran School
Associate pastor call process
Riley Bauer (US); Taylor Sessions (CO); Trevor Frank (AZ); Abigail (Leslie) Tipton (deployed); Nate Moore (FL); Corey Langhammer (OK); Grant Behning (WA); Austin & Laurel McClure, grandson & his wife of Judy Stanford; Addison Utterback, granddaughter of Judy Stanford (US); Michael Van Arsdel, grandson of Glory Van Arsdel (deployed); Tommy Austin, friend of Erin Woempner (deployed); Dylan Bruner, nephew of Patty Rothkopf (US); Joseph Fox, grandson of Anita Fox (US); Nicholas Haviland, nephew of Steve & Laura Currier (NC); Caleb & Seth Hougesen, grandsons of Rich Wilson (US); Austin Turner, nephew of Glenda Roundtree (WA); Wayde Cochran, great-nephew of Steve & Pattie Bardonner; Christina Etzler, niece of Denise Fix (deployed)