Following live streamed worship, recordings are available on our website, Facebook page, and “clcsindy” YouTube Channel.
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Weekly Highlights
Congregational Voters’ Meeting
Join us in the Sanctuary Sun., Sept 22 following the 10:45 a.m. service for a congregational call meeting. The Call Committee is prepared to bring before the congregation the candidate short list for the congregation’s consideration and vote. Candidate information is available in the church office or underneath the welcome TVs outside the Sanctuary. We will also be considering a proposed update to Calvary’s bylaws regarding our membership process. Copies of the proposed changes with explanation are located at the entry doors to the Sanctuary.
Silent Auction Donations Needed for Calvary Bazaar
There are many options for you to help make this year’s SILENT AUCTION a great success! You can purchase or ask your favorite business to donate a gift card. (Restaurant & Amazon cards have been good sellers.) You can bring new or like-new items. You can donate a service. You could ask the company you work for to donate items and/or services.
Pick up a pink donation form at the Women in Mission table and return the form with your item(s) to the church office. The sooner we get these donations the better. No need to wait until the Oct 20 deadline.
The more items we have, the more we can raise for Calvary School classroom tables and chairs; upgrade of the men’s church facilities; and support for Lutheran Child & Family Services Emergency Shelter Care, a program which provides for residents between the ages 11-17 in need of short-term care. Check out some of this year’s Silent Auction donations online at We must have all items by Oct 20.
September is Hunger Action Month
September is Hunger Action Month. This is a nationwide effort to raise awareness about hunger in America & inspire action. Lutheran Child & Family Services (LCFS), Calvary’s September Partner in Mission, is doubling down on their efforts to mitigate hunger concerns in the Indianapolis area. LCFS is seeking food, monetary donations & volunteers for their food panty – “The Sharing Place”, which serves over 6,000 family members every month. Calvary members have provided long term support of LCFS though our time, talents and treasures.
Calvary also supports Hunger, Inc and the Emmaus Food Pantry through the Community Garden Team, Women in Mission’s Extravagant Sharing, and Compassion’s food drives.
All Ministry Team Meeting (Tues., Sept 17, 7:00 p.m.)
All members of Calvary’s 10 ministry teams are invited to join us in the Sanctuary on Tues., Sept 17 for an informational meeting. We look forward to the year ahead of ministry together. Please pay attention to communication from your team’s director for specific information of when and where your team will meet for your individual meeting.
Music Ministry Update: Your Assistance Needed
Calvary's leadership is working on interim solutions as Chorale and Handbell rehearsals have resumed on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. (choir) & 8:00 p.m. (handbells).
We ask for your prayers and your assistance as we work to fill these roles. If you or anyone you know has the ability and desire to fill these positions [(1) a part-time organist, (2) a Chorale Director, (3) Chorale accompanist and (4) a Handbell Director], please contact the church office. This does not have to be just one person doing all these different jobs. It can be distributed to multiple people based on capabilities and time commitments. Thank you!
Position Opening - Video Ministry Director
Calvary is seeking a Video Ministry Director. In addition to other responsibilities, this person is tasked with ensuring that a quality video live-stream of our worship services is available each week. For more details, or if you or someone you know is interested, contact Pastor Sam Troemel at
LWR School Bag Donations
If you took a tag from a school bags, please bring in donations ASAP. We are still short 109 one subject notebooks. These notebooks must contain no more than the required 70 pages and must be spiral bound. Questions? Contact Karen Hand. Thanks for supporting this wonderful mission for children around the world!
Outdoor Worship Service & Church Picnic (Sept 29)
The annual Outdoor Church Service and Picnic at German Park is Sun., Sept 29. Worship service begins at 11:00 a.m. Picnic will begin shortly after the service with Jugs Catering again providing fried chicken, pulled pork and all the trimmings. Bring a dessert to share (Please label with or without nuts, gluten free, dairy free, etc). The John Stebbe trio will again entertain us during the meal.
Picnic Patrons may donate to support the picnic via the Calvary website or in the Church donation boxes. Be sure to mark the check as a Picnic donation.
Volunteers are needed to assist with set-up and clean up, games, bounce house monitoring, greeters.
Leaders Needed for Our Congregational Study
This year’s study is “Forgiving Challenge” from the Red Letter Challenge series by Zach Zehnder. The sermon series will run from the weekend of Oct 19/20 through Nov 23/24. If you are interested in serving as a small group leader or host home, contact Pastor Kurt Ebert,
or a signup sheet is also available at the Parish Ed table.
Congregational Study Sign-Ups Coming Soon
Small groups sign-ups will begin the weekend of Sept 21/22 through our kickoff weekend on Oct 19/20. This six-week congregational sermon series and small group Bible study is entitled “Forgiving Challenge” from the Red Letter Challenge series by Zach Zehnder and will be available at a discounted price of $10.
You can read the book on your own, but joining a group can help you process what you learn, providing you additional encouragement and insights from fellow Christians.
Small groups meet at various times, on various days, and in various locations (Online, Onsite, In-homes). The list of small group opportunities will be available starting the weekend of Sept 21/22 either at our onsite table or online sign-up at
GriefShare (Wednesdays through Nov 13)
Faith-based grief support, help & encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, friend. Wednesdays through Nov 13, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Led by trained facilitators Mike Louden and Roxanne Deardurff. Sessions include videos by experts in grieving, support group discussion, personal study/reflection. Open to everyone. Begin attending at any time; sessions are not sequential. For more info, contact Mike or Roxanne.
Puzzle Exchange (Sat., Sept 21)
Join us for a Puzzle Exchange with drawings and prizes on Sat., Sept 21, 10:00 a.m. in the gym. Bring puzzles and exchange for new-to-you puzzles. If you need help transporting your puzzle collection for the exchange or additional info, contact Corina Hendershott.
Lunch & Learn Wed., Sept 18 11:00 a.m.
Program: “Breaking the Cycle of Poverty”
Presenter: Gabe Short, Director of Development, Shepherd Community Center
Lunch: BBQ Pork Sandwiches, Baked Beans, Assorted Chips, and Dessert.
Suggested donation: $5
Questions? Barb Sorgius, 317-783-2000.
Prayer Support
Submit prayer requests to the church office at (317) 783-2000 or click here for our online Prayer Page.
Bella Beltran, step-great granddaughter of Pauline Miller
Lisa Pluckebaum (Sept 17); Vickie Struben (Sept 19)
Vera Monroe, mother of Gloria Vandivier
Sherri Terry; Glory Van Arsdel; Keith Corban
Susan Daniels; Larry Jupin; Jill Radcliffe; Tyler Shaw; Mary Ann Knaus; David Geiger; Janet Carney; Midge Clark; Ellen Vance; Jim Vance; Gene Redding; Denise Fix; Pastor Bill Yates; Dan Weeden; Bonnie Brink; Art Messer; Connor Miles
Donna Gerken, mother of Ruth Deckard & Paul Gerken; Judy Webb, friend of Amber Young; Connie Menke, friend of Karen Davis; Connie Ennis, mother of Charlie Ennis; Pastor Ray Smith; Tracy Finke, daughter-in-law of Pat Finke; Jared Hall, grandson of Jim & Jan Dunaway; Jiraiya Marqua, grandson of Michael Marqua & great-grandson of Sandra Marqua Staten (former members of Calvary); Shirley Wehmeier, sister of Bill Wittlief; Christina Albrecht, daughter of Al & Marsha Albrecht; Jerry Plummer, brother-in-law of Steve Bardonner; Sophie Wildauer, granddaughter of Craig & Amy Wildauer; Layla Stockinger, a student at Emmaus Ft. Wayne; Rev. Harold & Joy Kallio; Jim Foster, friend of Jim & Kristen Schark; Bob Locke, friend of Jim & Kristen Schwark; Evan Stephan, friend of James & Melissa Mayo; Darrell Shaw, friend of Becky Leslie; Steve Bruner, brother of Patty Rothkopf; Ella Kay Bardonner, sister-in-law of Steve Bardonner; Jane Weeks; Kelly Fromer & Paula Spears, friends of Kristen Schwark; Norman Parks, brother of Ellwyn Parks; Gertrude Heiden, mother of Judy Morrison
Bob Heid
Family and friends of Georgia Stumpf, friend of Kara Hiatt (Sept 8)
Rev. Bill Thomas, friend of Ellwyn Parks (Sept 11)
Riley Bauer (US); Taylor Sessions (CO); Trevor Frank (AZ); Abigail (Leslie) Tipton (deployed); Nate Moore (FL); Corey Langhammer (OK); Grant Behning (WA); Addison Utterback, granddaughter of Judy Stanford (US); Austin McClure, grandson of Judy Stanford (US); Michael Van Arsdel, grandson of Glory Van Arsdel (deployed); Tommy Austin, friend of Erin Woempner (deployed); Dylan Bruner, nephew of Patty Rothkopf (US); Joseph Fox, grandson of Anita Fox (US); Nicholas Haviland, nephew of Steve & Laura Currier (NC); Caleb & Seth Hougesen, grandsons of Rich Wilson (US); Austin Turner, nephew of Glenda Roundtree (WA); Wayde Cochran, great-nephew of Steve & Pattie Bardonner; Christina Etzler, niece of Denise Fix (deployed)