Spending Time Knowing

Spending Time Knowing

by Steve Rensner on April 06, 2023

Spending Time Knowing

Even after 4 years, we are still going through items left from the passing of my father and mother. Many of the items have unanswered questions associated with them. Most are related to photographs. Serving in the army, my father was stationed in Germany in the 1950’s. His army unit provided engineering for restructuring areas of the country decimated by WWII. One photograph has him in a residence celebrating Christmas. The name of the family he stayed with will go unanswered. I have asked many questions about other items that the answer will never be known. I wish that I had viewed these photos years ago to gain a bigger picture of my parents as they experienced life as answers could have been generated with clear accounting. Taking more time unwraps layers of unanswered questions. It seems as though no matter how well we know someone, even our own family members, there’s always more to learn about them.

During this Holy Week God reveals Himself through His One and only Son. We see the enormity of God’s love and grace as Jesus is willingly hung on Calvary’s cross. God forsakes His Son as the sins of all creation are placed upon Jesus. We see more clearly the attributes of God the Father through the teachings and life of Jesus. We take time to get to know God during this Holy Week.

I may never find out the answers to my questions regarding my parents, but God grants to us His Spirit as we read His Word unlocking and revealing Himself to us through faith. We will not know all about God now, but we are Called to strive through His Word, prayer, and study to get to know Him better through the power of the Holy Spirit. A blessed Holy Week to you as we seek to follow Him more clearly day by day by day. Connecting. Learning. Caring. Serving.

— Steve Rensner