Unpaired Socks

Unpaired Socks

by Steve Rensner on November 07, 2019


“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.”  (1 Corinthians 13:12)

Unpaired Socks

How does this happen? I have often wondered how a sock loses its partner. Where does the other sock go? A diligent search transpires. Once one sock is gone, the other sock is rendered unusable. Inventions have addressed this very issue. One invention has small snaps on the socks so that they can be attached to one other and then to the hamper and wash machine. Other ways to avoid this often frustrating event are to fold the socks together. Hopefully this action will eliminate the unpaired sock. When I was a child unpaired socks were thrown into the rag box to be used for other purposes. (Today I often see the students purposefully wearing unmatched socks.)

We may feel left out or misplaced at times like that unpaired or mismatched sock. This may occur in the classroom or in the work place. This may have us question our abilities and usefulness. We may ask how and why this has happened. No matter how diligently we search for answers we may never come to a satisfying outcome. The longer we seek answers the more frustrated we might become. 

God invites us to take all of our “mismatched and unpaired” issues to Him in prayer. He invites us to continue to ask for His guidance and for His will to be done. This is our rock and foundation and hope. God prepares us for all of our tomorrows. This process may at times be painful rather than pleasant, but He assures us of His never-ending presence, grace, and love.

When the partner of an unpaired sock is found there is great rejoicing. I found a sock once inside a sweatshirt connected by static and a dryer fabric sheet. I have no idea how long that particular sock was inside that sweatshirt, but I still had its partner in my dresser drawer. When we clearly see God’s answer to our prayers, our faith is built further on His faithfulness. Rejoice and be glad for yours is the kingdom of God.

Keywords: Prayer, Issues, Rejoicing, Socks, Mismatched