Peter: Witness to Christ
Mar 15, 2023

Sermon by Pastor Joshua Reifsteck from our Lenten Midweek worship service on March 15, 2023. The sermon is based on John 18:12–27. This is week 4 of our 6-week sermon series “Witnesses to Christ: People from His Passion”. Simon Peter witnessed much of Christ’s ministry on earth. He is featured in many highlights of the four Gospels, but today we see Peter at his lowest point, as he denies Jesus three times. The result of Peter’s denial is a massive amount of guilt. Each of us can relate to that unwanted flood of self-disgust that comes when we remember past sin. But guilt is not the final word for Peter, and it is not the final word for us. After His resurrection, Jesus restores and forgives Peter. Jesus offered Peter grace. Jesus also gives us grace, forgiveness, and restoration at the cross.
(Note: The audio and video recordings begin with the Gospel reading on which the sermon is based.)