
Upside Down

Mar 04, 2020

Upside Down

Passage: Amos 3:1-2

Preacher: Pastor Joshua Reifsteck

Series: Restore the Roar — Lent Midweek 2020

Category: Calvary Lutheran Church

Keywords: prophet, promise, covenant, elect


Amos 3:1–2 announces that the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt and established an exclusive relationship with the nation. It is, however, on the grounds of this relationship that will He punish His people. Election is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, the elect have the promise of God’s covenant. On the other hand, they are held to a higher standard and are therefore all the more guilty. Privilege has its perils. Yet God does not leave us only with the prophet Amos. Jesus is Israel’s greatest prophet, and He speaks to us pardon and peace through His suffering and dying on the cross.

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