Confirmation is Sunday, April 30, 2023, at the 10:45 AM worship service.

by on April 28, 2023

Enjoy a slideshow of our confirmands as we celebrate and praise God for them!

Thank You Confirmation Mentors & Prayer Angels
We thank all who made this year’s confirmation ministry a success. The staff, families, and people of Calvary appreciate your love for the Lord and the youth of our congregation. Small group mentors: Sheila Bolton, Ruth Deckard, Jeff Evans, Jen Frick, Tony Kochan, and Janet McWilliams.
Prayer angels: Laura Currier, Molly Troemel, Lauren Pulliam, Brenda Irwin, Ann Arnold, Ben Langhammer, Brittani Langhammer, Pastor Sam Troemel, Rhonda Hansen, Glenda Roundtree, Stacey Faubion, Sandra Wilson, Linda Simons, Diane Gibson, and Ellwyn Parks.
Prayer angel coordinator: Diana Blazek.

Keywords: confirmation